Tuesday, February 25, 2014

A quick addition to my post from the Zoo. We had a wait a good amount of time for the Tiger to come from the back of the cage where we could see him. I was using a Canon 5D Mark 2 with a Canon 70 - 200 f4 lens. It doesn't have image stabilization so I had to keep my shutter speed above 1/200. The lens was set at 163 mm as the full 200 mm didn't give me good cropping. I was using a monopod to steady the camera as if gives me the ability to be more mobile when my target is moving. I shot these pictures at f4, ISO 800, and shutter of 1/3200. Didn't want that bugger blurring my picture. This also gave my the ability to blur out the fence in front of me. I had to do a manual focus as the fence kept fighting for attention.

With all this going on in front of him, he just had to have a real good laugh.


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