Saturday, March 1, 2014

Jean and I are on our way to Palmetto, Florida. This is the first day of our driving trip, and after 10 hours on the road, we're in Fredricksburg, VA. Tomorrows leg should take us to Savanna, GA.

The route here took us past some impressive mountains in VA. We chose our route to avoid traveling thru the mountains due to the possibility of bad weather. When we left Rochester, it was 12 degrees and here it's 48. We like 48 a whole lot better. Tomorrow night in Savanna, I might be in short sleeves. Hopefully in Savanna, we can get some evening pictures that I can post. In Florida I'm hoping for some sunset pictures over the Gulf of Mexico. It will be a short trip, but I hope to get a load of great pictures to share. Got a beautiful sunset picture over the Gulf taken many years ago with my first digital camera, a Canon Rebel. With my current camera, a Canon 5D Mark 2, the pictures should be phanom..... phanome....... great.

I'm new to blogging so tomorrow I will find out if I can add to this post, or if I have to do a new post.

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