Wednesday, March 12, 2014

We enjoyed Savanna, Ga. so much, we stayed 2 more nights. It is a beautiful city and a photographer could go crazy there. We visited Tydee Island with its incredible beauty.

In Savanna, we went to Forsyth Park with its famous fountain. Needless to say we had to take pictures of it. In the near future they will be on our website While there, a couple asked us to take their picture with their camera, in front of the fountain. I put my flash on his camera as they were lit from behind and to expose for the fountain, they would have been dark. The picture came out great. A couple was getting married by the fountain and after watching for a bit, I saw a man kneeling in front of a lady then they hugged. We went over and congratulated them. We took his cell phone and got a few pictures of them and her new sparkling ring.

One the way to Little Tybee Island we stopped at Fort Jackson. It is a small fort on the Savanna River. At closing time, they had a cannon demonstration. I got a picture but it came out a bit blurry. I guess it was louder than I expected.

The trip home included a 8 hour drive an overnight in Fredricksburg, Va. From there an 8 1/2 hour drive to home. We had been in temperatures of high 70's to low 80's. Last night when we got here, it was in the 50's. Today a blizzard hit and we have 18 inches of snow so far and the morning temperature is predicted to be about 7 degrees and dropping.

I managed to get the birds fed so they are happy now. I know Spring can't be far away.

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