Monday, June 6, 2016

Good evening friends, it has been a long day. Started late, didn't get up until 10 this morning. We drove to Harpers Ferry today, another battlefield. It really wasn't much of a battle. The town is surrounded by high hills and 2 rivers. The Shanadoha river and the Potomac join there. It was said to be a town that was un defensible. They had a big Arsenal there where they made weapons for the war. The Confederates came and took the high ground, and from what I could see, it wasn't occupied by Union troops. That may not be the case, I haven't had much time to go over the data about that battle yet. I do have some pictures but haven't processed them yet. I do know that the Union artillery ran out of shells to fight with so they had to surrender. 12,500 Union solders were taken captive and it was the largest surrender in our history until the battle in the Philippines in WW2.

Yesterday we hit the Gettysburg battlefield for a brief time before a big rainstorm. I got a couple pictures for Little Round Top before we headed back to the Travel Trailer just before the sky opened up. 

The picture of the barn, you can see a cannon ball hole in the side of the bricks.

A brief post tonight, I'm sitting by the campfire and my battery is getting low, and it is late. Maybe more tomorrow. We head for home on Wednesday. Goodnight friends.

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