Saturday, June 4, 2016

Well friends, not a lot to report today. We drove to Lititz, PA. today. A beautiful historic town not far from Lancaster. Got a picture of a Fairy village in someones side yard.

We didn't stay long but had a beautiful Lunch/Supper at the Bulls Head Tavern. We dodged rain all day and I hear we could get slammed tomorrow.

 Got back to the travel trailer and worked on a 5 picture panorama of the battlefield taken from an observation tower located on the line of North Virginia cannon. I believe we were told that there was 120+ canon on this line. The picture covers from the Eternal Flame to the North, a small clearing on the distant hill on the left of the picture, to Little Round Top and Big Round Top on the right of the picture. For those who know something about the Civil War, Culps Hill, Peach Orchard, Cemetery Ridge and others are on this picture. I enclosed a picture of the map from the observation tower so you can see where these are located. It is so hard to imagine 163,000 soldiers fighting in this area. Some fighting was done behind this tower. Look at the farmland and imagine 93,000 dead and wounded soldiers lying there. Approximately 5,000 dead horses too. I pray that this never happens to our country again.

Tomorrow we will be going to church in Gettysburg where Lincoln went to church when he came to Gettysburg to give his Gettysburg Address and dedicate the Cemetery for the soldiers. Hear that there might be major storms in the area tomorrow so we might not be out and about. Time will tell. Might make for some good pictures.      

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