Wednesday, June 1, 2016

Hello fellow humans. It has been a very long time since I posted something. If I have (had) any followers, please forgive me.

I am currently camping on the Gettysburg Battlefield at the Gettysburg Battlefield Resort, part of the Travel Resorts camping network. Excellent campground. Yesterday, my wife Jean and I drove to Antietam Battlefield in Maryland. It was exciting but sad at the same time. It was a 1 day battle of 12 hours, and 23,000 soldiers were killed, wounded, or missing.

We also saw the Poffenberger Farm House which was turned into a Hospital, as was many homes and businesses during the battle. This is where Clara Barton got her start by going onto the battlefield with Gruel to feed the wounded soldiers. She also ran supplies to the different hospitals who badly needed them. She was given the title of Angel of the Battlefield by a surgeon. At one point a Confederate bullet when through her sleeve and killed the soldier she was helping.

The area referred to as the cornfield saw 2,000 Union soldiers killed or wounded in a 20 minute battle. The picture I took just looked like a mowed wheat field with a couple cannons in the distance, so I'm not going to include it here. 

Another battle was for the lower bridge, crossing the Antietam Creek. All but 500 Confederate soldiers were pulled from protecting this bridge. Reinforcements were needed at other areas of battle. They were deeply dug in and it took 3 assaults from Union Soldiers to take the bridge.  This picture is of Confederate cannons overlooking the bridge, called the Burnside Bridge after the Union Commander who defeated the Confederates there.

More tomorrow of the Battle of Gettysburg.

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