Friday, June 10, 2016

This picture was taken from the Union lines at Pickett's Charge, the last battle at Gettysburg. The Union and Confederates waged an Artillery battle for about 2 hours. It was reported that the smoke was so thick they couldn't see what they were shooting at. The Confederate artillery was pretty much ineffective. The Union stopped firing to conserve ammo. The Confederates assumed they had destroyed the Union cannon. They sent 12,000 - 15,000 men in a line a mile wide. From the treeline you see in the distance. All the Union soldiers could hear were the drummers. They were a mile away. At the half way point the Union cannon started firing. Then on command, the riflemen. 150 Confederates made it to the rock wall to be shot by sharpshooters. The Union suffered 1,500 killed and wounded while the Confederates lost 50% of their soldiers. General Lee retreated back to Virginia after this battle.

I have to give the National Park Service a lot of kudos for this park. It is in fantastic shape. The cannon have been placed and pointed where they would have been during the battle. Trees are being removed from the battlefields that weren't there during the war. Thanks to photography back then they have a very good idea what the area looked like. Orchards on all the small farms are being planted and local farmers are planting crops in the fields. The stone walls around the fields are the ones that were there before the war. They separated the different fields for crops. The wooden fences are being rebuilt in the manner they were back then to keep the animals in place. They can do the work as they get the financing. It is definitely worth the trip to see this park. I highly recommend going to the visitor center and reserve a time to have a licensed guide take you on a tour. They drive your car and give you the history of the battles.

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